A DVIR form is a formal record that confirms that a commercial vehicle is in safe working order before a driver takes it out on the road. The DVIR process covers both the inspection of the vehicle as well as the repair or remedy of any defects identified. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires drivers to complete a DVIR for each day a vehicle is in use.
While many have become accustomed to the paper-based DVIR form, it is an ineffective and inefficient format. With more and more elements of business going digital, here is why sticking with the paper-based DVIR form could be costing you more than you realize.
Disadvantages of the Paper DVIR Form
We are all creatures of habit. Indeed, we can easily get used to a routine and stick to that routine without realizing the ineffectiveness until it’s too late. Here are a few setbacks of the paper-based DVIR forms you may not have noticed:
1. Illegible Handwriting
With the paper-based DVIR form, you are at the mercy of whoever filled the report. Sometimes that person’s handwriting might be challenging to read and understand. Regardless of the reason, with paper-based DVIR forms, there is a high chance that you will end up with a report that you cannot comprehend. Thus, affecting the quality of the information you receive and ultimately, the maintenance of your vehicles as well.
2. The Paperwork Can Be Misplaced
Depending on how large your fleet is, you might find yourself with a ton of paperwork. That amount of paperwork is almost impossible to track, especially if it’s in physical form. Misplaced paperwork results in a loss of the information they contained. If there were repairs to be done, you would not be made aware of them, and this might cost you much more down the line.
3. Time-Consuming
DVIR forms are to be filled for every vehicle in your fleet every single day they are being used. Imagine the cumulative amount of time you lose at the end of the year if every form has to be manually filled. Retrieving the information will also be a hassle because you have to go through your records physically. What happens if a specific form was filed incorrectly? It will take even longer before you find it, if you find it at all.
4. Paper-Based DVIR Forms Have Limited Accessibility
The physical forms must be stored in a physical location; this affects the ease with which you can access them. Accessing the reports will need you to be there physically. Their physical nature also acts as a hindrance if you intend to share the information within those reports. Many transport fleets operate in multiple locations, with one person or office responsible for compliance. Centralizing the storage of these records can be near impossible.
5. Pencil Whipping Paper DVIR Forms Is Common
Pencil whipping is a term used when someone completes an inspection without actually getting out of the vehicle and inspecting the items they are ticking off as being in safe working order. Pencil whipping of paper-based forms can occur at the end of the day or week, with no way to tell if the information being collated is in fact true and correct, or if your vehicles are even roadworthy.
6. More Delays
The sooner a fault is attended to, the cheaper it will be. However, with paper DVIR forms, delays are the order of the day. Repairing faults face unnecessary delays since you are not made aware of them in real-time. You only know about them after receiving the forms which only happen after a driver has completed his or her shift. Delays in the communication of required repair work can cost extra days off the road for important assets.
7. Difficult to Attain Full Details of the Inspection
Clear reporting makes it easy for you to understand the exact fault and ultimately, smoothens the whole repair process. However, with paper-based DVIR forms, it is often difficult to clearly define the problems or issues in only a few words. This affects the quality of the information you receive and the maintenance efforts in general.
Make the Switch to eDVIRs With Whip Around Software
Making the switch to the electronic DVIR form could be the best decision you make for your business. Here is why;
1. Misplaced and Illegible DVIR Forms Are Left in the Past
With eDVIR forms, you no longer have to suffer trying to read illegible handwriting. Also, with effective storage and backup features, misplacing a DVIR form is something you never have to worry about.
2. Central Storage Allows for Easy Access
With Whip Around software, you have the advantage of storing every document in one central hub. This makes it much easier for you to locate any form you need, as soon as you need it.
3. Mobile Accessibility
Unlike paper DVIR forms that need you to physically be at the storage location to access them, with eDVIR forms, you can access the reports you need at any time from any location.
4. No More Pencil Whipping
Whip Around assures that pencil whipping is also left in the past along with illegible handwriting and misplaced forms. The software makes it compulsory for drivers to complete thorough inspections before filling in the reports. Using Whip Around, drivers can be prompted to take pictures of various aspects of the vehicle, proving they are in fact out of the cab. Combined with time, date and GPS stamped reports, this means you won’t have to worry about the integrity of your inspection process again.
5. Fast and Effective
E-DVIR forms allow inspections to be completed four times faster. One primary reason for this is that drivers no longer have to fill in the DVIR forms physically. A picture paints a thousand words, allowing you communicate more in less time than writing down barely legible explanations.
6. Real-Time Notifications
You can be notified of all the identified faults in real-time. This allows you to schedule repairs even quicker, which minimizes downtime. When errors are attended to early, you prevent them from getting worse. This saves you money in repairs in the long run.
7. Improved Accountability
With the Whip Around software, every report includes time, date, and location stamps. This not only improves accountability but also helps encourage legitimate inspections which boost your confidence in your fleet’s maintenance.
8. Improved Working Environment and ROI
Whip Around enables you to develop a culture of safety. The real-time aspect of the software results in a more engaged workforce as drivers feel their concerns are heard and attended to as quickly as possible. All of this ultimately leads to a boost in ROI and further reductions in business costs.
Learn More About the Hidden Costs of the Paper DVIR Form
Are you thinking about making the switch to electronic DVIRs? Sign up for a free Whip Around trial today.