7 Must-Have Features of Fleet Inspection Software

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7 Must-Have Features of Fleet Inspection Software

Your fleet inspection software helps keep your fleet moving smoothly. Many fleet managers, however, aren’t sure what they need out of their fleet inspection software or how that choice could impact the fleet as a whole. If you’re looking for fleet inspection software for the first time or considering an upgrade, make sure you consider these important elements.

1. Customizable Forms

Your inspection forms will depend on the types of vehicles you have in your fleet. The inspection for a refrigerated truck, for example, may look very different from the inspection for a tow truck. When you choose your fleet inspection software, make sure that it has the option to create inspection forms that meet your needs. You want to be able to:

  • Convert your current checklists into digital forms that can easily be shared with all of your drivers and inspectors.

  • Choose from templates.

  • Duplicate and edit existing forms, especially the ones you have already created.

With a fully digital system, drivers no longer need to deal with lengthy inspection forms, many of which contain unnecessary information or boxes that they need not check. Instead, you want to use customized forms that contain only the fields you actually need. You may also want to rearrange the standardized form so that it makes more sense to your team. Ideally, you also want to be able to submit these forms instantaneously using a cloud-based interface, which allows managers to access inspection reports in real-time.

2. The Ability to Take Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words–and the ability to take photos during an inspection can make a big difference to your fleet maintenance. Take control of inspection integrity with mandatory photos, which will prove that your drivers are actually inspecting their vehicles and recording their condition. Photos also provide mechanics and fleet managers with a wealth of information when drivers struggle to find the right words to describe defects. By providing the means to take photos, you can also increase the chance that damage that would normally slip through the cracks will be reported.

3. The Ability to Submit Work Orders and Faults

Your fleet inspection software has the potential to transform the way you access work orders and faults, ultimately making your drivers and others on the road with them safer. Your software should alert you in real-time when there’s a fault reported by your drivers, whether they’re on the road with a load or sitting in the bay, conducting an inspection. Not only does this allow you to decide in real-time what you will do about faults that could increase the danger to your team and those that share the road with them, but you can also choose a system that will allow you to manage the list of faults on each vehicle and plan maintenance accordingly.

4. Mechanic’s Signature Options

As part of DVIR, or Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting, compliance in North America, mechanics must sign off on corrected faults. This signature lets you know that your vehicles are safe and ready to head back out on the road. Look for fleet inspection software that allows for e-signatures. Not only does this enable you to keep the data all in one convenient location, you can also easily prove compliance or see which mechanic signed off on a particular vehicle. This means you will receive real-time notification when repairs are completed. Often, this can help with scheduling drivers, trucks, and loads, offering enhanced levels of convenience.

5. Previous DVIR Sign-Off

According to FMCSA, before driving a motor vehicle, the driver must:

  • Be satisfied that the vehicle is in safe operating condition

  • Review the last driver vehicle inspection report

  • Sign the report, if defects or deficiencies were noted by the driver who prepared the report, to acknowledge that the driver has reviewed it and that there is a certification that the required repairs have been performed. This does not apply to listed defects on a towed unit which is no longer part of the vehicle combination.

Like the mechanic’s signature, having a digital version of these forms offers enhanced convenience to drivers and to your fleet as a whole. In order to access previous DVIRs, drivers can take a look at a simple digital copy of the forms and sign off themselves. This keeps all of your paperwork stored in one easily-accessible database, ensuring that if you need to look for past forms, whether to prove compliance or to check to see who last signed off on a vehicle, you can go straight to that information.

6. Scheduled Maintenance Reminders

Keeping up with maintenance is critical for every vehicle in your fleet. Some repairs are unavoidable and impossible to plan for. A great deal of the regular maintenance on your fleet, on the other hand, can easily be scheduled ahead of time. With maintenance reminders included in your fleet inspection software, you can get a better idea of when that maintenance comes due. This will allow you to reduce the number of unplanned repairs, since you took care of the maintenance in the first place, and ensure that the company remains DOT compliant. Not only that, with scheduled maintenance reminders, you can better schedule your drivers and mechanics and ensure that your vehicles are in top condition. Since you receive the maintenance notifications ahead of time, you won’t have to worry about taking care of that critical maintenance at the last minute, which means your fleet is able to keep rolling more smoothly.

7. A Manager’s Dashboard

As a manager, you need access to more information about your fleet than anyone else–and often, you need to be able to access it quickly and effectively. Look for fleet inspection software with a manager’s dashboard that will make it easy for you to check important information, all from one easy location. Your manager’s dashboard should:

  • Collect data in a way that makes sense

  • Provide access to information about the fleet as a whole as well as individual vehicles

  • Give insights into your fleet’s current status

  • Help you make better, more informed decisions

You want a manager’s dashboard that lays all the information out for you in a logical, easy-to-view manner while allowing you easy access to more detailed information about specific vehicles, drivers, and mechanics.


Are you looking for fleet management software that will fit all of your needs, allowing you to more effectively manage your fleet? Whip Around encompasses all of these important features, from e-signature options to a manager’s dashboard that makes it easier than ever to manage your fleet. Start your free trial today to learn just how beneficial this software can be to your business.

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