31 May 2019
Conducting maintenance: you wouldn't consider putting it off for your car, but many people find themselves...
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23 May 2019
As the owner or operator of a business that depends on a fleet of vehicles to serve customers, you likely...
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19 May 2019
This year's Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) international roadcheck, the largest enforcement...
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17 May 2019
The pre-trip inspection is a fundamental safety procedure best practiced by all CMV (commercial motor...
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27 April 2019
Understanding the 6 levels of DOT inspections in detail can help you prepare drivers, vehicles, and the...
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22 April 2019
As the business owner that specializes in service delivery, your livelihood hinges on your ability to...
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31 March 2019
With thin profit margins and high risks, owning and managing a towing business can be a real...
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31 March 2019
Utility companies don't have the fleet management luxuries of 5 days per week operations or...
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31 March 2019
Motor carriers and other fleet owners are obligated under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration...
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31 March 2019
In the era before digital transformation, fleet and operations managers frequently relied on the...
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5 Benefits of Switching from Paper-based DVIRs to eDVIRs
It’s a scenario that every fleet manager faces sooner or later: the case of the missing DVIR report....
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Conduct Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection Reports from your Phone with eDVIR
Driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIR) are already an integral part of managing your fleet. So, when...
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Paper-Based DVIRs are a thing of the Past
No matter how long you’ve been managing your fleet, chances are good that you’ve become intimately familiar...
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Why Are Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspections Required?
Fleet managers have a wide and seemingly endless array of responsibilities — assigning drivers...
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Paper-Based DVIR Procedures Are Getting a Facelift with Technology
For fleet managers like yourself, daily inspection reports are just another part of the reality of running...
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The Detailed DVIR Checklist
From time to time, the rigors of fleet management can become too much. With all the work that goes into...
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[Infographic] Paper-Based DVIR vs eDVIR
Let’s break down the differences between a paper-based DVIR process and an eDVIR (electronic DVIR) process and...
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What are You Looking for During a Daily Vehicle Inspection?
A driver-vehicle inspection report — known better as a pre-trip inspection — is designed...
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What is eDVIR?
When you’re busy managing a fleet of commercial vehicles, the last thing you want is to be bogged down...
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Are you still using paper DVIR forms?
Business’s of all sorts in the United States have been transitioning to paperless documentation. This...
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Is Technology Making DVIRs Better or Worse?
Driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIR), sometimes called pre-trip inspections, are a staple in every...
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What is Pre-Trip Fleet Vehicle Inspection?
A pre-trip fleet vehicle inspection, as its name implies, is the inspection you should do of your fleet...
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